Titled Australia
It's been 4 months since I came back here from Australia for a short student exchange program (thanks, Tom! dreams do come true!). So many things happened before I could really fly to Gold Coast, so many lessons too I got from them. All you need is just keep faith and go ahead.

Welcoming tea
Park Ridge promotion at Yugumbri Primary School
I was a bit afraid first because, you know, it's not the common community I've been before, but everything was so okay. We also wore our traditional custom clothes there. Don't ask, yes, the students once glanced at us but then they kept staring at us. Followed math, chemistry, geography, bahasa class as well. If we have English immersion program in Central Java, they have Indonesian immersion program there in Brisbane.
Never miss a chance to watch movie! Watched Robin Hood in theater with Manwaring family a night before I fly to Sydney, tried Red Chicken since my home stay family pretty didn't like it. Red Chicken was nice!
Caught Sydney in one and half an hour from Brisbane. Seven of us plus Miss Apituley. Sydney was great and not as cold as Brisbane at that time so we really had fun. Cold was a prior problem when I was there as I went there on the end of May, once had sinusitis - so torturing!
St. Marry Cathedral
Sydney Harbour Brige under
So bad we left Avatar on iMax. We've had to go back to Brisbane at that day, and we simply left Avatar. Don't blame on me, I deeply crazily truly regret it. Bought some gifts for family and teachers. Then packing (again), couldn't handle this thing. And I accidentally ate pork on Qantas flight back to Brisbane anyway. It's pure an accident.
Brisbane! Looked back to the schedule again. Few activities left until the farewell dinner. Attended BBQ party as it's an annual immersion program. Went down to Gold Coast: dropped by to Currumbin Sanctuary, fed kangaroos, birds, and met Aborigin. Then had a BBQ party & bonfire on Fergus' house - he's the students and senior captain at once!

Currumbin Sanctuary, Gold Coast
My home stay family is the coolest! Hanged out at much, chewed lollies, played AFL and touch the ball, what else? Euphoria! Madeline and Stephani walked around with me everywhere, they're twin! Cool, ain't they? They both are such sporty girl. AFL girl players, runner, etc. I stayed in Madeline's room and it's full of trophies, yeah, pretty much kewl.
My favorite time spent with my home stay family is went down to Gold Coast - apparently Gold Coast is my favorite place. Rode AquaDuck; looked around Gold Coast coast, gave a try to Sling Shot in Adrenalin Park, had steak for dinner, and bought some gifts. They give me a lot, indeed!

Me and Madeline on Sling Shot!
You gotta give a try to Sling Shot, it's extremely thrilling! You are about to be catapulted vertically at over 160 kilometers per hour, whoohoo! Feel how it feels when you're dying, ha ha.
Sadly I didn't take so much pictures there, I used my friends' cameras and it's profoundly bad. Sydney, Gold Coast, billionaire things to be captured, don't ever leave your camera. Wish I can be there soon, bringing my own camera. Other pictures may come soon. Happy ied anyway!